Tag Archives: Workers

New Things…

When we visited Baseco and Don Boscoe in May we started a new initiative Body Awareness Classes. The main thrust of this programme was Teaching the girls about their body. We had about 40 girls attend. 20150502_140112


We have been alarmed on numerous occasions by the simple lack of knowledge and sheer ignorance that girls and even child bearing women have….

Not that it is their fault, the doctors treat women as generally ignorant (which is unfortunately truth) but kept ignorant deliberately…

The teachers are embarrassed and very traditional in sex education classes, I have been told that the sex ed class consisted of simply chastisement if they do get pregnant. No knowledge, no information, no wisdom is imparted. Just embarrassment and confusion.

Many girls are too shy and confused to ask what is happening to their bodies and why.  Naturally they fall easily into situations that cause pregnancy and voilà a baby!


Armed with some basic props and some great interpreters we began to tackle some priority issues including


  • Teaching them about their bits,  what is actually inside them
  • Teaching them the proper names for their organs, naming = power
  • Teaching the girls HOW a baby is concieved
  • Boys body parts and how they are made to make babies
  • Why they have periods
  • How a baby is born
  • How to stop babies being born, good decisions, personal safety, marriage, life partners.
  • Focusing on education, those who stay in school are less likely to have early pregnancies.




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It was a great success, the girls were animated, engaged and some even asked questions and became vocal about their body and what was evolving in them……

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Yes a drop in the ocean, but if we can prevent one girl having one baby too early  we have won.

BBB can make a difference one girl at a time

This generation will be better off than the last!

I am defiant. Well God and I 🙂





Day to Day

In Baseco there are so many young mothers the Team find themselves constantly Mothering these young mums

Often they are alone and scared, they have left their home in the Province or parents and have no support and find themselves with a baby in a strange world! Just  like this sweet mum Christine helped this year.

She was not a Birthing Better Baby mum but she was young alone and inexperienced with a new baby. The baby was struggling to feed and she just needed some support.

She just needed some mothering. It does not take much to love and listen. The women on the ground in Baseco are constantly being a mother to the motherless.



Our quote really fits into this situation…..

“Becoming a mother makes you the mother of all children. From now on each wounded, abandoned, frightened child is yours. You live in the suffering mothers of every race and creed and weep with them. You long to comfort all who are desolate.” — Charlotte Gray

Providing an ear and a spiritual shoulder to lean on goes a long way in Baseco

Desiree Robles



This is what we do on a day to day basis.

Freely given to whoever comes.



Christine Mum to Many


imageChristine’s world in Baseco is a lot about bandages, burns and babies. She is simply always helping someone. She is so much more patient with people than I am. She always has time for everyone.

She obviously does many other things than those mentioned above, but she is much more pastoral than I am. I get the title, but she has the gift.

She is a mum to hundreds.

Chris is an inspiration in so many ways. She was not young when the call to missions came, she has a few minor health issues, grand kids in Australia…plenty of reasons to not do what she is doing, but away she went, and she is such a blessing to so many.

Anyone, at any stage in Life, can follow the call of Jesus.

Pst Mark



Team Work!

As you know I am only in Baseco once a year, Christine Pedder is there much more than I am.

And of course BBB is co-ordinated and run practically by the local Christians and Pastors from Jn14:12


When the Aussies are not there God often sends people to boost and encourage our mums!

Elise Wylie a midwife from Sydney and the awesome Shirelive Church has been a great boost to the BBB programme here are some of her action photos!

Christina Busa

Here she is with Christine Busa


Also listening on the Doppler to the rather large Irish!!



Some practical baby care skills!!


Just want to say thanks to all of the Midwives who support BBB….love how we can all work together!

That is the body in action!

Hugs Cathy xxxxx

Breaking News, MP’s Back Contraceptive Law

Legislators in the Philippines have defied the powerful Roman Catholic Church to vote in favour of state-funded contraception.

This is the most exciting news I have heard in months.

I would have been dancing in the streets to and these purple ribbons look suspiciously like the Likhaan colours!

(click Picture to read more about the work these tireless ladies do in the slum)


Source http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-20752851

The ban on contraception has been lifted, which I thankfully and gratefully agree with, and sigh in relief

While there is still sin and immorality in the world the world will need contraception.

Until we see nation wide revival, babies will be born in Baseco and other Developing nations unwanted and unloved.

Aborted, abandoned, starving, neglected and abused.

We must build a FENCE……

Giving Birth Should be About LIFE NOT DEATH (read more HERE)

Legislators in the Philippines have defied the powerful Roman Catholic Church to vote in favour of state-funded contraception.

Both the Senate and the House of Representatives backed a bill that has been debated for 13 years.

Supporters say it is a vital human rights measure in the impoverished country with one of the highest mortality rates in the region. Source http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-20752851

This is  a battle that has raged for years in the Phillipines…….but for people who see first hand the damage multiple uncontrolled and unsupported birth has, this step is the first in a positive direction. My women have baby after baby, in desperation they abort these babies, they die, their children starve, they have no education, the cycle starts again, read Olivia’s story for more information.

Read the whole story HERE


The maternity ward in Manila’s Jose Fabella hospital, where women often share two, or three, to a bed. Resources are stretched beyond coping and women and babies are dying without this form of control

Source http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-19134777

According to the government’s 2011 Family Health Survey, the maternal mortality rate rose 36 percent to 221 deaths per 100,000 live births between 2006 and 2010.

Many of those giving birth were girls between 15 and 19 years old, she said, and most were from poor families.

The maternity ward in Manila’s Jose Fabella hospital, where women often share two, or three, to a bed

She urged lawmakers to pass the bill and “stop failing our young”.

Source http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-19134777

I thank God for this development, really I do.

I believe the tide of Abortion, unwanted and unplanned pregnancies will  begin to stop.

Thank God he has given us this tool to use in the meantime!



Insight Into My Mother’s World…

Here is a link to a BBC video that takes you inside Fabella one of the Hospitals our mothers use.


BBC Philippines Maternity Care

This gives you an understanding why it is better to build a fence at  the top of the hill rather than an Ambulance at the bottom!

These women need Education

They need access to safe Birth Control

These things literally save lives in a developing nation

I have walked these halls, overwhelmed and shocked at the amount of people and babies.

This is reality in The Philippines


On a dirt floor in a slum.

Interesting choice!


New Friends in Baseco…..Likhaan

We have met new friends in Baseco……

I have been fairly committed and prayful about seeing some professional “legs” in Baseco, many many times help is needed when we (Mark, Christine especially) are not there. If BBB is to be truly effective there must be nationals that can impart to their own woman……we have found them!

In our old house we affectionately knew as White House, it has transformed and become known as Purple House…..it is now home to a NGO Family Planning organisation called Likhaan. There are midwives and community workers that live here permanently in Baseco, dedicated to women’s health and family planning. What a blessing!

Check out their website it is truly inspirational

Likhaan Website

This is also a very informative video by a person who met Likhaan workers and their work in Manila

These girls and women blessed my heart they have dedicated their lives to the lives of others, they are Chistians and now attend Jn14:12………

I will be blogging about them and their input in Baseco more in the future I just wanted you to meet them.

God is good, He provides all things in the right time!

Blessings Cathy

Irene and Bonovic are some of the leaders in Jn14:12 many of you will have met them. Irene is such a gracious sweet lady….they have had another baby boy, a healthy 2.5kgs! Looks like Dad! Irene also is vital to the BBBabies programme she is our liaison person, our women come to her for vitamins and money etc, she distributes to them……writes up the details. We appreciate her so much, now she has another gorgeous life to raise for God! Congrats to the Humawan family!

Markpedder's Weblog


Irenes new little boy. Born Friday night. 2.5 kgs. All fat and healthy.

Mum and child doing well.

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